The Benefits Of An Apprenticeship

If you are someone who doesn’t feel as though third level education is for you. You might be considering taking up an apprenticeship. If you are unsure about what that might mean. Read on for some further information.

Earn while you learn

As an apprentice, you will receive a salary from the employer who hires you.

Lower debt

No College debt! That’s right a huge benefit of apprenticeship training is that debt loads after completion of apprenticeships are much lower, since apprentices “earn while they learn”.

Gain work experience

Skilled workers are in demand all across the country. Apprentices receive post-secondary education through on-the-job training and in-school learning. This means that at the end of your apprenticeship you have both the knowledge and the experience you will need to get further employment.

Benefits  from qualified mentors

As an apprentice, you will have on hand training from a highly qualified journeyperson. This is an invaluable experience.

Apprenticeships are a great way to get your foot in the door of many different industries and should definitely be a consideration for people who feel as though third level education is not for them. They are also something to consider if you are already in college and feel as though you are not getting from it what you initially thought you would.

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